Tuesday 3 January 2017

Polyglots perpetuate a dysfunctional outlook

I don't know . . .

All these polyglots doing their thing in public view . . .

Spreading their mirth and enthusiasm about the place (YouTube, Twitter and the general blogosphere) . . .

I feel that they may very well be achieving the opposite effect of what they intend. I mean, how is the ordinary man in the street likely to interpret it? That one is supposed to be a nerd or hyper-effusive in order to learn another language. That would seem to be a real risk that they a running.

No, you don't need to go to town about learning a language or two. It's the most natural and normal thing in the world. No need to dress it up in fancy colors. No need to shovel that language 'medicine' down with a spoonful of sugar.

You don't need to window-dress up the whole business as if it needs to be sold, as if it is inherently boring, hard work, or distasteful in some way.

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